If you haven’t heard of Jess Quinn already, get ready to be inspired. Jess was faced with hardships of cancer from an early age, and through her experience she has learnt a hell-of-a-lot. Jess now inspires others to overcome obstacles to her audiences both publicly speaking and on social platforms – her instagram is over 150k! Through her journey and lessons she inspires others to live their best life. Jess’ positive attitude is contagious, and we can’t wait for you to find out more about this gorgeous soul..
Follow Jess at @jessicaemilyquinn
Tell us a little about yourself, your background, and how did you come to do what you are doing today?
A large part of my story has stemmed from facing adversity when I was 9. I lost my leg after an intensive battle with cancer & ever since I’ve chased every dream & ambition I’ve had.
Post-cancer I just wanted to get back into life & not be held back by what I’d been through and the challenges I faced so I just did everything I possibly could and never looked back. Prior to losing my leg I had been very athletic, I had just begun competing in track so after losing it I struggled to get back to that same level of activity. I followed the path of my second love which was for design and all things creativity. I studied Fashion Design at Uni & on the side found my love for health and fitness. After overcoming a really huge battle with insecurity and body image as a teenager I wanted to help other people not be held back by it or any other challenges they faced so I just shared my story. I was always really open about what I’d been through but I began opening up about every struggle and couldn’t believe how many people related. I’m lucky to now have a platform where I can inspire others to live their best life, to not be held back by insecurities and to push through the struggles they’ve faced (because let’s be honest, we all have them).
What did you have for breakfast today?
Currently eating as I write this – scrambled eggs, greens & smoked salmon & a coffee (of course).
How do you move your body?
I like to change up how I move my body to keep things exciting and to keep pushing myself in new ways. I am currently doing boxing twice a week with Trumaine Brighouse and then a variety of strength & conditioning as well as more focused work with my blade as I work towards my running goals with Coach Sunz I am so lucky to have a team of experts who support my goals and help me work towards them.
What is your favourite food memory?
A recent one comes to mind – so ever since I had Cancer I haven’t been able to stomach Avocado. You can just imagine the looks I would get when I tell people I don’t eat Avo… Something very strange came over me the other day & I decided to slowly start incorporating it into my meals, a week later I was eating Avocado on toast and spending my life savings on all things AVO!
Who are you inspired by?
Is there a word limit? Haha. But seriously, there are so many inspiring people in this world. Especially here in New Zealand, I feel like eveyrone has a side hustle or something they’re really passionate about that they’re fearlessly chasing. I’m also getting seriously into podcasts – it’s like reading a book in 30 minutes & you come across the most inspiring stories.
Where in the world is your favourite eatery and why?
This is probably because I just got back from Bali but the Shady Shack in Bali changed my life. The most incredible vege bowls, smoothie bowls, raw treats, smoothies ahhh. But even more than that, it’s one of those places you sit at and you just feel inpsired by your surroundings and the people there.
What does your dream Sunday morning look like?
Morning stroll, markets & coffee with friends or family followed by an afternoon preparing myself for the week ahead. Or a Sunday roadtrip. I love getting out of the city and going on a mini adventure.
Where is your ideal holiday location?
Bali. The perfect combination of good food, sunshine & adventures.
What is your most-used pantry item?
Cacao & Curry Powder (Not together obviously). I’m obsessed with Hot Cacao when I get cravings & curry powder on everything.
Who would you like to host for dinner?
Ellen DeGeneres, Dwayne Johnson, Gary Vee, Oprah. What a dinner that would be.
What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
Everything happens for a reason. Took me a good 12 years to believe the hundreds of people who told me but it certainly is true.
What would you tell your 20 year old self?
Be patient. It will all make sense. Stay true to yourself.
What drives you?
I guess my desire to not be held back by what I’ve been through and the challenges I face everyday. I refuse to let my “disabilty” dis-able me. So that drives me in everything I do.
What food principles do you live by?
Eat whole foods, if you know where it comes from & the ingredients in it then you are most likely looking after your health. I prefer to cook my own food so I know exactly what has gone inside it, that way I know exactly what is going in my body.
What will you be doing in 10 years?
Living life, being happy & hopefully inspiring others to be happy & confident in the skin they’re in.
What is the best advice you have ever given?
I was recently talking about body images & said “our exterior is just the house where we live, if we spend 95% of our energy focusing on constantly changing the paint colour we may never appreciate the contents within it.”, I think that is so so important.