Vicki Cullinane is the owner of Studio Red Yoga. We are lucky enough to have the team from Studio Red Yoga right next to us at The Raw Kitchen at City Works Depot. After practising hot yoga for nearly two years Vicki decided in February 2014 to enrol in a 5-week teacher-training course in Koh Sumui. Her aim with this was to develop her own practise, and she came away from the course with a true appreciation of professional yoga teaching. She also loved how incredible it was to practise yoga in a beautiful environment. This was her inspiration behind creating the popular Studio Red yoga – to build a beautiful studio with the best teachers.
We asked Vicki a few questions about her rituals and what inspires her to keep moving her business forward.
What did you have for breakfast today?
I’m not very adventurous with breakfast I have had the same thing for about a year, for 2017 its yogurt muesli, banana and berries. I love my morning coffee and I love going to work so I combined them both on my arrival to work (The Raw Kitchen is right next door). Thank you Olivia for making great coffee.
How do you move your body?
I like exercising so it’s really easy for me to do everyday. Sometimes I exercise with friends – it’s more enjoyable. Of course yoga is top of my list.
What is your favorite food memory?
Is champagne food? I have lots of good memories from drinking champagne.
Who are you inspired by?
We all have the same 24 hours in the day it’s extraordinary how differently we all use the same amount of time. I’m inspired by people who make the moments count and who live their life’s passionately. People with full happy lives inspire me.
Where in the world is your favorite eatery and why?
Club Dauphin at Grand Hotel du Cap Ferrat France, I love so many things about this eatery beautiful food in a beautiful location
What does your dream Sunday morning look like?
My favorite Sunday morning starts very slow with a good hour spent on the New York Times; it’s a pastime I share with my husband so there’s no pressure on Sunday morning. The ideal Sunday afternoon consist of Yin yoga, it’s a wonderful way to recharge my mind and body.
Where is your ideal holiday location?
Grand Hotel du Cap Ferrat France
What is your most-used kitchen item?
Lewis Road Butter
Who would you like to host for dinner?
I would love to host a dinner party for all my friends and family that live overseas, it would be so much fun.
What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
To approach life with an open heart and an open mind
What would you tell your 20-year-old self?
At twenty years old I had no idea the hardest relationship I would have is the relationship with myself, mastering that relationship is life changing. This is something I said to my 20 year old daughter just the other day, speaking from experience there’s no way at 20 years I could have imagined how amazing life would turn out. Embrace everything life has to offer with openness.
What drives you?
The finer details the way you do anything is the way you do every thing don’t let yourself down.
What food principles do you live by?
Quality over quantity
What will you be doing in 10 years?
In 10 years time I’ll be able to reflect on the many happy moments I’ve had over the last 10 years.
What is the best advice you have ever given?
Back yourself. Learn the skills you need to develop total confidence in yourself.
To find out more about Studio Red Yoga – click here
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