Our skin is an excretory organ therefore a means for removing unwanted materials from our bodies. Skin issues are a way of your body communicating to sort out some underlying internal issues!
Unfortunately we rarely stop to investigate why that breakout has occurred on your forehead and instead slab on some foundation, pop an anti acne pill or try every cream and potion under the sun. We then hate on the skin and body for inconveniently producing a pimple.
I know that skin issues can be extremely confusing, there is a lot of narrowed down information that we need a specific nutrient or supplement to achieve glowing skin. However what it really comes down to is the overall health of your body!
Because everything in the body is connected all systems need to be kept in tip top shape. The liver, kidney, gut, immune systems have to be running smoothly for balanced hormones and healthy skin.
“The skin is a true symbol of our health because it is the last place to get nutrition and if you can drive all those nutrients all of the way through to the skin then you know that it has gotten everywhere else too” David Wolfe
Here are 4 ways to get glowing skin naturally;
Smile more
I kid you not stress and negative thoughts really disrupt your balance of hormones. There is a reason you get a pimple before a big event, its your body’s way of saying relax lovely human, slow down, have a cup of tea.
Eat a Clean diet
If you load your body with toxins, your skin is going to have something to show about it. Avoid the processed foods, refined sugar, gluten and preservatives. Opt for lots of leafy greens, fruit, beneficial fats like avocado, nuts and hemp oil plus some gut loving foods such as kombucha, sauerkraut and kefir. Your skin will love you for it.
Use Natural products
Ditch all the chemical loaded skin products and make up and get back to basics. There are some super lovely natural NZ skincare brands out there and even Coconut oil is the best natural moisturizer in my books.
Get Outside
Get the blood flowing with some exercise to give the skin a flush. Vitamin D from the gorgeous sunshine is also extremely beneficial for the healing the skin.
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