The diet debate is constantly on going and it becomes easy to get a little fixed on looking externally for instruction on what is right for us to eat, often leaving us frustrated and confused. However eating well is more simple than what we may realise. Many different diet ‘trends’ often have great value but theres a more powerful teacher out there who knows exactly whats right for you.. Mother nature. Im not just talking about the forest and its lush wisdom but also the little bit of magic nature inside of you, the guiding intuition.
After all we are primitive beings. It is said that back in time we were so animal like that we were fully tuned to our senses, aware of our bodies and attracted to certain edible plants and other wild food for us to thrive. Fast forward to todays concrete jungle, every type of food is at our finger tips it is both a blessing of abundance but a curse on our intuition and self awareness which is crucial to our health.
So how do we channel this intuition so we can really listen to our bodies in choosing what to eat?
Nature Time
Immersing yourself in nature not only has a beautiful balancing effect on our mind and body wellbeing it also has messages that speak to us through our senses. Next time your amongst the trees tune in. Notice the vast amounts of green plants of all different diversity.. It is gentle reminder to load your plate up with more leafy greens, or perhaps the waterfall is telling us to drink more water. Nature doesn’t follow diet fads instead she is the perfect example of balance.
Yoga and Breathing
Yoga and deep breathing brings the busy mind back to our body, bringing a beautiful awareness of whats going on inside whether it be physical or emotional. It is grounding and calming, a perfect time for your intuiton to rise above any thoughts and guide you to what you should be fueling up on.. This might not be during downward dog but instead a mindful awareness that you carry through life after you hop off the mat.
“Nature speaks in a different manner than man. She offers her lessons not in books. She expresses her will to creatures plainly and clearly through instinct, the organs of sense.” – B.Lust
Tori Abrahams- Townsend
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