Getting in Tune with the Moon
“I will never be a morning person, for the moon and I are too deeply in love.”- Christopher Poindexter
Living in attunement with the lunar cycle cultivates a body and mind awareness. Rather than being tossed to and from in our life experience without understanding we can instead come to feel into the underlying rhythm of nature and how it influences our daily experience. Not only this but we can create more harmony and flow in our lives.. Who doesn’t want more good juju’s!
Although many surfers will not confess to be a moonbeam praising hippie, they are aware of the profound effects of the lunar cycle on the tides of the oceans. As human beings we are made up of roughly 70% water so it adds up that the moon would also be influential on our way of being.
Each lunar cycle unfolds in natural progression. Like a precious little seed that grows into a plant that flowers and bears fruit.
Nature provides the perfect rhythm to manage our energy in a way that calls us to slow down and rise up in perfect harmony with the fluctuating energy we feel over the month. Our day to day fast paced society goes against the grain of the natural ebbs and flows of natures cycles however when we honour La Luna and all her powers we can create some true magic.
Waning moon:
Clear clutter and clean. Release emotions that do not serve.
New Moon:
Stop and rest. Take time for yourself, feed your desires. Manifest all your goals and dreams. The moon may not be a fairy godmother here to grant your wishes but it sure can lend you a helping hand.
Waxing moon:
Create fertile ground for your vision. Connect and communicate.
Full Moon:
Your power and energy should be at its peak. Complete things. Work hard and play hard moon child.
“As the moon reaches her fullest, most creative phase, so do you, As she disappears into the deepest depths of her darkness, so do you,. As she prepares to reach for new beginnings in her crescent phase, so do you. Her essence is always with thee, for you carry her beauty, her light, her darkness and her power.” – Roslyne Sophia
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